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Head Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: inspiration, anxiety, mental pressure

Description: Those with an undefined Head Center have no consistent way of deliberating mental information. If normal inspiration becomes an amplified pressure to think about things that don't matter, they can get lost in their own mental monologue. Meaningless not-self thoughts and questions will ultimately steer them away from correct decision-making processes. As anxiety increases, they may seek to assuage it by looking for someone or something inspiring to focus on. Undefined Head Centers tend to either avoid intellectual pursuits, or throw themselves into one mystery after another. The... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Ajna Center Center [Open]

Theme: mental awareness, thinking, conceptualization

Description: If the Ajna Center is undefined in a chart, the Head Center will also be undefined. Gate activations in either undefined center provide themes for the ways our mental activity connects us to people with whom we interact.Open Head and Ajna centers can have an open and flexible mind. This is a sign of the mental intelligence indicative of thinkers or intellectuals like Freud, Jung, Einstein or Madame Curie. Once a person's mind is set free from conditioning, it is open to a full range of intellectual stimulation and creativity. Innate and learned wisdom about the intricate workin... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Throat Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: communication, action, expression, metabolism

Description: The not-self theme of the undefined Throat Center is "Trying to attract attention." People with undefined Throat Centers are afraid they won't be noticed, so their not-self mind jumps at the chance to think up ways to attract attention. They can easily succumb to an amplified pressure to talk, to act, to make an impression, to interrupt or to be the life of the party. They don't realize that the open Throat naturally attracts attention, and if they wait, invitations to speak will come to them. In this way, they will receive the proper attention, at the most opportune time, with... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Identity (G) Center Center [Defined]

Theme: sense of self, identity, love, direction in life

Description: Those with a defined Identity or G Center have a fixed and reliable self-identity, a sense of being loved and loveable. Secure in their love for themselves, they can love others without becoming dependent on them. They have a sense of their own correct direction or mission in life, and are naturals at pointing out new directions — and possibly new loves — for others. With a deep sense of connectedness to their center, they have the capacity to comfort people who are concerned about the direction humanity is heading in, by helping them understand the nature of our evolution ... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Will (Heart) Center Center [Defined]

Theme: ego, willpower, courage, willfulness, heart

Description: If you have a defined Heart Center, you like to be in control of your own life and your resources. That includes what you wear, when and where you work, and which demands on your time you will respond to. You also recognize your own value, although at times you may tend to inflate it. It is healthy for those with a defined Heart Center to exercise their willpower, to make and keep promises with regularity. With consistent access to their willpower, they have no problem making and keeping their promises or resolutions. It is important that they do what they say they are going... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Solar Plexus Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: emotions, pleasure, feelings, sexiness

Description: The undefined Solar Plexus Center absorbs and amplifies the emotions present in its environment. This center carries an especially deep conditioning potential, and can be particularly vulnerable to the needs, moods, and feelings of other people. It is critical for the health and well-being of the emotionally undefined to know when the emotions they are feeling and expressing are not entirely theirs, and that they can release them and protect themselves by not identifying with them. Otherwise, they bounce up and down on the emotional waves of others, knowing their emotions are o... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Sacral Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: life force, generative and creative energy, sexuality

Description: The undefined Sacral Center is always vulnerable to the intense conditioning field (or buzz) created by the majority of human beings on the planet with defined Sacrals. It is extremely sensitive to the energy levels in people and places, and is capable of magnifying those energies. Those with undefined Sacral's are subject to elevated levels of energy pumping through bodies that are not equipped to handle it. They often run on this 'borrowed' energy, and over-extend themselves, leading to breakdown and exhaustion. Not designed to live in response, they can never rely on their o... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Spleen Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: immune system, intuition, instinct, taste, fear for survival

Description: Seven primal fears reside in the Splenic Center, and when the center is undefined, these fears are easily magnified. Those with undefined Spleens need to face each of their fears, one by one, in order to become fearless in a healthy way. This is how they develop awareness, and honor and learn from their fear rather than suppress it or pretend it's not there. Confronting and handling the fear makes them stronger and less frightened each time the fear returns. The result is a sense of well-being. If they are unable to do this, however, the conditioned not-self may become overwhel... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Root Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: stress, pressure, fuel for life, depression

Description: The undefined Root Center absorbs stress from its environment. People with an undefined Root are subject to pressures from those with a defined Root. Because the amplified pressure is uncomfortable, they are always trying to get rid of it, yet as soon as they do another pressure takes its place. They rush around and accomplish the work of three people, trying to resolve pressure that cannot be resolved. It's an endless, unsustainable cycle that eventually results in burn out.Undefined Roots take in and amplify the adrenalized Root Center stress in the world, but are not equippe... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Sun symbolPersonality Sun — Gate 3.5 ♉︎

Sign: Taurus ♉︎ 00°13'09"

I'Ching: ䷂ Difficulty at the Beginning

Planet theme: Life Force — How we express our 'light' in the world.

Gate: 3 — Gate 3

Gate theme: The fundamental challenge of initiation is to transcend confusion and establish order.

Gate drive: Brings order to the mutative pulse frequency

Line: 5 — Victimization

Line description:
The fifth line has this delicious name ‘Victimization.’  Remember the nature of its resonance to the second line. It projects out  “I am confused.”  When you get to the fifth line you have other people who project on the fifth line and say, “that one is confused.” The fifth line may or may not be confused. They may have already transcended the confusion and be totally in order. The other side is looking at them and says, “aha, they are confused. I am going to guide them and take advantage of them.” The moment that the outside force is guiding the ... read more

Earth symbolPersonality Earth — Gate 50.5 ♏︎

Sign: Scorpio ♏︎ 00°13'09"

I'Ching: ䷱ The Cauldron

Planet theme: Grounding and Balance — We find conscious balance when we are able to integrate the Personality correctly in our life.

Gate: 50 — Gate 50

Gate theme: The value of historical continuity whose traditional values serve and enrich the present and future.

Gate drive: Fear of Responsibility

Line: 5 — Consistency

Line description:
The fifth line is called ‘Consistency.’ When continuity has brought success, it should not be tampered with. Saturn exalted, The discipline and natural conservatism to avoid unnecessary change. Mars in detriment, A perverse reaction to rebel against the methodology of one’s very success. Neither one of those is about good or bad. This is the completion of a hexagram process, and therefore you come to the point in the fifth line where you recognize that what has worked shall remain. So you have a law that says, "Though shall not kill" and it is consistent and you want to k... read more


The Color and Tone of the Personality Sun/Earth indicate the Motivation variable.

North Node symbolPersonality North Node — Gate 51.1 ♈︎

Sign: Aries ♈︎ 15°37'11"

I'Ching: ䷲ The Arousing

Planet theme: Future Direction and Environment — Not who you are, but instead frame what your Personality thinks about the world and itself.

Gate: 51 — Gate 51

Gate theme: The ability to respond to disorder and shock through recognition and adaptation.

Gate drive: To be competitive. To be first at something.

Line: 1 — Reference

Line description:
Here it is called ‘Reference.’ This first line is an overview line, so it means that the ability to adapt to shock at its foundation requires experience. It is not like you are equipped from birth to be able to adapt to and recognize the shock wave. You need the experience first. In other words, you have to be tested in the fire of the 51 before you understand or can work out how to deal with that fire. The advantage of previous crisis experience. This is the overview of this line so you know that willpower, the real deepest will, the courageous will, is something that is t... read more

South Node symbolPersonality South Node — Gate 57.1 ♎︎

Sign: Libra ♎︎ 15°37'11"

I'Ching: ䷸ The Gentle

Planet theme: Past Direction and Environment — How we perceive the world around us.

Gate: 57 — Gate 57

Gate theme: The extraordinary power of clarity.

Gate drive: Fear of the Future

Line: 1 — Confusion

Line description:
When we are looking at the first line, it is called ‘Confusion.’ Here is our line of introspection. Isn’t it interesting that the 28.1 was called ‘Preparation.’ The preparation leads to confusion. How nice. Venus exalted, The gift of penetrating to the inner meaning that ensures timely action. This is a deeply misunderstood line. This gift of penetrating to the inner meaning - there is no inner meaning here. There is, but it is lymphatic inner meaning and it will not come to you in any kind of language that your mind understands. This penetrating to the inner meaning ... read more


The Color and Tone of the Personality Nodes indicate the Perspective variable.

Moon symbolPersonality Moon — Gate 64.4 ♍︎

Sign: Virgo ♍︎ 14°22'51"

I'Ching: ䷿ Before Completion

Planet theme: Driving Force — Emotions.

Gate: 64 — Gate 64

Gate theme: Transition, like birth, requires a determined strength for the passage through.

Gate drive: Abstract pressure to make sense of the past, and to resolve the chaos and confusion.

Line: 4 — Conviction

Line description:
The upper trigram and its theme of externalization. This line is called ‘Conviction.’ This is a very fixed force. It has the Moon exalted. Symbolized by its phases, the Moon is assured of transition, convinced by its very process that it will triumph. Every person that has the 64th gate will always get the 47. They will get it from transits and people. Because the 4th line is fixed in being there in that process of confusion, it also recognizes that regularly that confusion always seems to come to some kind of realization. This lunar aspect here are people who start off ver... read more

Mercury symbolPersonality Mercury — Gate 51.3 ♈︎

Sign: Aries ♈︎ 17°20'07"

I'Ching: ䷲ The Arousing

Planet theme: Communication and Thinking — Gives you insight into what you need to communicate in this life.

Gate: 51 — Gate 51

Gate theme: The ability to respond to disorder and shock through recognition and adaptation.

Gate drive: To be competitive. To be first at something.

Line: 3 — Adaptation

Line description:
The third line of the 51.3 is a line that gives its name to the structure of the hexagram. It is called the line of ‘Adaptation.’ As a line of adaptation, please understand again my reference to what is written above the lines. This is about responding to disorder. Courage is something that has to be called. Everything about the Ego is about the Ego being called. If the Ego is not called out, it does not play. If the Ego is not massaged, it will not go out and do its thing.  In this third line, we get to the ability to learn from one’s mistakes. The Sun exalted. The ... read more

Venus symbolPersonality Venus — Gate 51.4 ♈︎

Sign: Aries ♈︎ 18°04'36"

I'Ching: ䷲ The Arousing

Planet theme: Values and Sociology — Values

Gate: 51 — Gate 51

Gate theme: The ability to respond to disorder and shock through recognition and adaptation.

Gate drive: To be competitive. To be first at something.

Line: 4 — Limitation

Line description:
When you get to the upper trigram you get to the ability to have transpersonal skills. The 51.4 not only recognizes what is going on, but it recognizes very clearly its way to be competitive in the world because it knows what it has to meet. But it is fixed like all fourth lines. Because it is fixed, there is always a limitation. Here the line is called ‘Limitation.’ Uranus exalted. A pure inventiveness and sometimes genius to find some opportunity even in the midst of the most devastating shocks. These people that understand that the world is a place that is competitive - ... read more

Mars symbolPersonality Mars — Gate 22.5 ♓︎

Sign: Pisces ♓︎ 21°37'22"

I'Ching: ䷕ Grace

Planet theme: Immaturity and Energy Dynamics — Opportunity for growth.

Gate: 22 — Gate 22

Gate theme: A quality of behavior best suited in handling mundane and trivial situations

Gate drive: Fear of Silence

Line: 5 — Directness

Line description:
The fifth line is a line of universalization, particularly in this case because this is a stream in which so much mutation takes place. The universalization that is possible through the fifth line here is very significant. This fifth line carries with it the mantra  “I give to everyone who is individual,” particularly in this stream. "Don’t do anything unless you are in the mood." This is the great mood line and the moment that it is recognized for what it is, that is where its perfection lies. It is called ‘Directness.’ The disregard of form when required. ... read more

Jupiter symbolPersonality Jupiter — Gate 23.3 ♉︎

Sign: Taurus ♉︎ 21°32'01"

I'Ching: ䷖ Splitting Apart

Planet theme: Law and Protection — Defines our outer development, and relationship to the other and the whole.

Gate: 23 — Gate 23

Gate theme: Amorality. The awareness and understanding which leads to the acceptance of diversity.

Gate drive: I know or not. Communicating individual insights.

Line: 3 — Individuality

Line description:
When you come to this third line, it is called ‘Individuality.’ It is the nature of the individual process. It is in this sense the archetype of the individual process, that is that the individual Knower cannot really be of value, cannot really bring wisdom unless that Knower makes a lot of mistakes. All third lines are about adaptation. Knowing can be a very fixed process and the reality is that the Knower who goes through a mistake process and comes to grips with that process of trial and error and adaptation, that the nature of their individuality, the power of their abi... read more

Saturn symbolPersonality Saturn — Gate 63.5 ♓︎

Sign: Pisces ♓︎ 15°35'44"

I'Ching: ䷾ After Completion

Planet theme: Discipline (The Judge) — Place in your life where living out of alignment can cause turmoil and problems.

Gate: 63 — Gate 63

Gate theme: In the spiral of life, all ends are beginnings.

Gate drive: Logical pressure to make sense of the pattern through doubt; looking for the logic or a new pattern

Line: 5 — Affirmation

Line description:
When we come to the 5th line, we come to the line of universalization. The first line establishes the nature of the hexagram and we know that the nature of the 63rd hexagram is to be composed in your doubt. But the way in which society and the world sees this hexagram is that they see it as ‘Affirmation.’ In other words, these are the people that can prove it for us. In the abstract line (in the 64.5) we have the people that everybody thinks can promise them some kind of sense, the abstract answer. Here it is assumed and projected onto the 63.5 that these people can come up... read more

Uranus symbolPersonality Uranus — Gate 23.4 ♉︎

Sign: Taurus ♉︎ 21°45'32"

I'Ching: ䷖ Splitting Apart

Planet theme: Unusualness, Chaos and Order — How you express your unusualness/originality.

Gate: 23 — Gate 23

Gate theme: Amorality. The awareness and understanding which leads to the acceptance of diversity.

Gate drive: I know or not. Communicating individual insights.

Line: 4 — Fragmentation

Line description:
We are in the upper trigram which is about externalizing. It is the recognition that there is something across the way. There is a recognition that one has to deal with it in a transpersonal way. It is about being fixed in the sense of being one-tracked and it says here, ‘Fragmentation.’ Diversification without a perceived potential for synthesis. These are knowing junkies. They move from one knowing to another and there is no way for them in which those disparate, diverse knowing add up to something. Due to the fact that there is no potential for synthesis, there is simply... read more

Neptune symbolPersonality Neptune — Gate 25.1 ♓︎

Sign: Pisces ♓︎ 28°34'26"

I'Ching: ䷘ Innocence

Planet theme: Illusion and Spirituality — Where we lose the ability to see any limitations, potential for abuse.

Gate: 25 — Gate 25

Gate theme: The perfection of action through uncontrived and spontaneous nature.

Gate drive: Universal love, retaining innocence despite circumstances

Line: 1 — Selflessness

Line description:
The first line always gives you the foundation. This first line in particular is something that is very profound and when you get into its deepest levels, you really begin to recognize the nature of what universal Love is all about. The first line is called ‘Selflessness.’ Here we are in the Self. The 25 is pointed towards the most dynamic willpower in the body. It is pointed towards the deepest sense of Ego power because the will in the 51 is an enormous thing, and that will is deeply possessive. "I am the power" says the 51 and the 25 says “No, the power exists.” The ... read more

Pluto symbolPersonality Pluto — Gate 41.1 ♒︎

Sign: Aquarius ♒︎ 02°03'51"

I'Ching: ䷨ Decrease

Planet theme: Truth and Transformation — Your truth, and where to find the light within the darkness.

Gate: 41 — Gate 41

Gate theme: The limitation of resources which maximizes development of potential.

Gate drive: Pressure to feel, the desire for a new experience.

Line: 1 — Reasonableness

Line description:
The first line is ‘Reasonableness.’  You can’t have all of your fantasies because you will lose your power. You must get one and then go on to the next. Reasonableness becomes the key. The appropriate delegation of responsibility. The first line is looking inward. It has no capacity to look outward. It is interested in what the essential mechanism is. What is fantasy? is the question that the first line always asks. When the first line of the 41 is a child, they want to know what the difference is between what is real and what is fantasy. They want to grasp that righ... read more

Chiron symbolPersonality Chiron — Gate 51.6 ♈︎

Sign: Aries ♈︎ 20°03'21"

I'Ching: ䷲ The Arousing

Planet theme: Wounded healer — exposing our deep pain, how we address that pain, and how our own healing powers have the ability to help others

Gate: 51 — Gate 51

Gate theme: The ability to respond to disorder and shock through recognition and adaptation.

Gate drive: To be competitive. To be first at something.

Line: 6 — Separation

Line description:
The sixth line here is affected by the Pluto phenomenon. So we only have the exaltation here. All sixth lines are different. The line and its keynote separation. This is a description that is used in the mystical structure of a hexagram. This is the mystical name for the structure of a sixth line, which is called ‘Separation.’ It is about being separate. All sixth lines in a sense are about that. The idea of sitting on the roof of a house and looking out and not really being clear about what one should do in one’s process, like all sixth lines, like the transition. The Su... read more

48 57 44 50 32 28 18 36 22 37 6 49 55 30 40 26 51 21 64 61 63 47 24 4 17 11 43 62 23 56 31 8 33 16 20 35 12 45 7 1 13 15 2 46 10 25 5 > 14 29 42 3 9 59 27 34 53 60 52 19 39 41 54 38 58 Personality [Mind] Color 1 Tone 4 Base 4 Color 4 Tone 1 Base 5 Rx SD