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Discover your inner mechanics
Aura Quality
Closed and Repelling
Inform and then act
Not-Self Theme

The saga of humankind unfolded as it did because Manifestors didn't have to wait for the 'gods' or for forces outside themselves to move them into action. Manifestors' exceptional ability to bring into being or make manifest what they envision, in combination with the protection of their closed and repelling aura, often placed them in positions of rulership such as a warrior king or high priest. As the only pure doers among the Type, Manifestors conquered and defended kingdoms, and secured and maintained their power and authority by establishing the laws. Our remaining religious and secular hierarchies are a result of the Manifestor's attempt to retain control and to avoid being challenged.

The traditional ruler's role that Manifestors held for centuries ended around 1781, however, when humans transitioned from the 7-centered to the 9-centered form. Today's Manifestors, still the instruments of the yang/yang principle (primal force), are now living in a yin/yin (receptive) Generator-dominated environment. Instead of dreaming empires into being or determining the course of civilizations, they are now looking for a way to integrate their inherent independence, and unique essential power to impact, into a society that has stripped away their freedom to act.

In today's world the Manifestor's incredible gifts are their ability to act independently, to initiate action, and to impact others. When perceived as threatening or unpredictable, however, these same qualities can make the other three Types uncomfortable, and often lead to overt attempts to control the Manifestor. Manifestors are at ease with solitude, and find a nourishing peace in manifesting what they want for themselves. This is their natural way and they don't require outside assistance. They can't understand why others would even care about what they do, much less want to resist or control them, but try to control they do - from parents on up. An early and unpleasant history of conditioning experiences, mixed with resistance, pushes the Manifestor toward its not-self theme of anger. This anger will be expressed in one of two ways: as anger/rage and rebelliousness, or as passivity and accommodation. Both expressions repress the power of Manifestors and keep them from realizing their worth, which is why Strategy is so important. By informing, and thus relaxing the resistance met from others, Manifestors find what they seek most in life — the peace to do what they want, when they want to do it.

Manifestors are not particularly interested in themselves, nor do they need to rely on other people to ask them or invite them in order to act on their Authority. They are self-contained, independent agents. They tend to see others as rather alien, behind the times, and stuck or unable to move themselves out of predicaments. With their ability to glimpse the future, Manifestors often feel as if they are waiting for everyone else to catch up.

The questions Manifestors ask are, "Will I be answered? Will someone be enlivened by my impact, or respond to my initiating question?" This underlying pressure to impact, to make things happen, is key to fulfilling their purpose. Manifestors are most comfortable when left alone to do as they please, yet the other three Types are waiting for the Manifestor to initiate them, or a new process, so each can contribute their essential part. Manifestors often look to the other Types to provide the specific energy needed to complete what they themselves dream. In a perfect world, Manifestors get things started; Projectors guide the process; Generators provide the energy to realize or complete it; and Reflectors tell them how well it is going.

The resources in the HDKB were pulled from several places, including The Definitive Book of Human Design by Lynda Bunnel, The Book of Destinies by Chetan Parkyn/Carola Eastwood, and various other source material recordings and PDF transcripts of Ra's lectures. If you find value in this content we suggest supporting the original creators.