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Discover your inner mechanics
Aura Quality
Focused and Absorbing
Wait (watch) for the invitation
Not-Self Theme

Projectors represent a new energy archetype on the planet that emerged after 1781. Until the advent of the Human Design System, Projectors had no direct means by which to fully comprehend either their unique auric field, or the particular role they are here to playas one of the four Types. Up until the last century, Manifestors and Generators dominated positions of leadership and authority around the world. In the future, however, it is the Projector who will begin to move into positions of greater power, taking leadership itself in a new direction. This will happen when the energy types recognize and empower the Projector's natural potential by inviting the Projector to guide them. As Manifestors are freed to initiate processes, and Generators begin to realign with their own natural power as creative builders, Projectors will emerge as the administrators of the new order.

The Projectors' focused, probing aura, and complex way of interacting with people at deeper energetic levels, sets them apart from the other three Types. With their natural brilliance and openness to taking on the expectations and energies ofothers, however, they have managed to effectively imitate both Manifestors and Generators, and lose themselves in the process. How Projectors reclaim that self, along with their significant and rightful place in the whole, begins with a comprehensive look at the complex nature of their unique configuration.

Projectors have a general openness to life, combined with an aura that penetrates the energy of others so they can absorb it, and energetically taste it. With their capacity to see the big picture, recognize the talents and gifts of others, and bring people together, they make exceptional advisors, administrators, networkers and natural mediators. Projectors can be gifted organizers, and masters at understanding how to maximize energy and resources as they see things that others often miss. Just because Projectors can see how a person's energy is best utilized, however, doesn't mean they can tell others what to do. A specific part of their role and purpose here on earth is to guide others by knowing how to ask the right questions. Projectors have a natural gift for diplomacy that is wise to nurture.

Projectors are rising naturally to the top of the Type hierarchy, however, they still have a long way to go, and a great deal depends on having awake and aware Manifestor and Generator energy to work with. Projectors are more interested in other people's designs than they are in their own, and they normally seek out system that help them to understand individuals, groups and the ways people work together more efficiently and effectively.

Recognition is the Projector's key to understanding the way their Strategy connects them to their Authority and the world. In some ways, recognition is to Projectors what responding is to Generators. Their powers of strategic recognition provide them with their boundaries, which they maintain by being selective when accepting invitations. Both the Projector's ability to recognize what is available to them from others, and the need for their own unique gifts to be properly recognized by others, are part of the specific way their auras are designed to connect. The Projector aura is an I-am-open-to-an-invitation field that draws people in and out of their lives by provoking invitations from them. Recognition, accompanied by a formal invitation, is the way the other Types honor and empower Projectors.

As with Generators, waiting is a quality of the Projector's Strategy, however the clarity of their answer is not as immediately accessible as a Sacral response. To further analyze these subtle differences, we have divided Projectors into three basic categories based on the chart configurations illustrated on the following page.

The resources in the HDKB were pulled from several places, including The Definitive Book of Human Design by Lynda Bunnel, The Book of Destinies by Chetan Parkyn/Carola Eastwood, and various other source material recordings and PDF transcripts of Ra's lectures. If you find value in this content we suggest supporting the original creators.