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Gate Overview
I'Ching Hexagram
䷍ Possession in Great Measure
Sacral Center
Channel 14-2
The accumulation & retention of power through skilled interaction, coupling grace with control
Releases energy (money, resources) to empower direction in life.

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Gate Summary

Gate 14 empowers direction for the individual, and humanity, through the distribution of available resources. The Gate of Power Skills makes sure that mutation is supported, and shows us how to invest our resources in order to expand our horizons. The Sacral Center, when defined, has the energy to sustain long hours of creative work, and the 14th gate is fertile power at its most exalted. This is the gas pedal that controls when and how the resources are released. When you are aligned with your design, and doing the work you love to do, you will generate wealth and power. These resources are not directly for your own use, however, but yours to manage in order to empower others, to support individual creativity, charitable activities, or leaders with a vision for humanity's future. Just throwing your money, however, at anything or anyone, is a poor investment. To protect your valuable life force energy from misuse or abuse by others, and to remain properly aligned in order to bring out the right mutative direction, follow your Authority. When properly directed by Gate 2, your resources can become a significant catalyst for empowering change in the world.


Gate 14 is Possession in Great Measure. It does not give away its power. One of the themes that underlies this hexagram in the traditional I’ Ching is this concept of wealth and the loading up of the wagon. Our most common word for energy is money. The power that is inherent here in the 14th gate is not about money in the sense of hard currency. It is about power as currency. Whenever people have defined motors and they are dependent on other people to get that energy out, I always tell them, "You wouldn’t walk through the street with a basket full of money and let everybody grab in there and pull out the money. That energy itself is a force to bring about the right direction.

Line Descriptions

Line 1 ⌇ Money isn't Everything

First lines always describe the nature of a hexagram. It says ‘Money isn’t everything.’ It is very important to understand the nature of this gate. This is an individual power source that is focused on bringing about order through empowering the right direction. The recognition that wealth has its own problems. Jupiter exalted, The lust for lucre tempered by higher principals. Mercury in detriment, The delusion that you can throw money at problems. The basis of this hexagram on the exalted side is the desperation to turn the energy into currency. You want that energy to be converted into a successful direction. After all, it is a main tantric channel. On the other side, there is this sense that you give your energy to others so that they will get you to the right direction. I know so many 14’s who look at my 2 and say, “I have the key and you’ll be the driver.” 

The 14 on the other side is, The key to manifesting power is higher principles. The higher principle is, "I am not wasting my energy. I use my energy for the correct direction in my process in order to bring about order. The other side of this is,  Energy alone can never be the key. You can’t just pay someone to take you to the right direction. It does not work. You can’t just throw your energy at them. Think about the dilemma of the 3rd gate which is the inherent confusion in the life process. That confusion has not disappeared by the time you get to the 14th gate. We are still talking about an unaware center. The 14th gate has all the power within it to drive, but it does not know where to drive. On its own, it can’t know where to drive. So there is always a tendency in people with the 14th gate that they will make attempts at doing things that are not for them, or they will ask other people to take them into that direction. 

There is a helplessness in this Possession in great Measure. It is important to understand that it is an enormously powerful gate, but it is truly vulnerable to being misguided. Remember, that the first line is there to understand the nature of the hexagram,  that it does have this power for direction, but that does not mean that it knows what to do with it. It does not know where it is going in its process.

Line 2 ⌇ Management

When you get to the second line, you get to projection. Instead of being involved in recognizing  the nature of one’s own power to empower, here is someone who is projecting out that they have that power. This line is called ‘Management’. It is a joke. The wisdom that investing in expertise brings rewards. First of all, wisdom is something that you do not get right away in life. You may never get it at all. This is  an advice to the second line. It says: you know, expertise would really help you to find the right direction. When you are dealing with the first three lines, the lower trigram, there is no capacity to understand the nature of the other side. The 14.1,2 and 3 know at some level  that there is this power within them, but they do not know the driver. They always have to meet the driver. They project out this energy. 

Jupiter exalted, Expansion. The ability to delegate responsibility. Mars in detriment, The vanity to be one’s own best expert. This is individual. Built into their genetic individual material - that means every single genetic gate -  is a self-preservation phenomenon that says, “Don’t interfere with me. Don’t take me away from my trip. Don’t try to control me. Don’t try to condition me.” All individuality is that way. When you get to the second line, the exalted says, The key to power lies in not trying to be and do everything alone.  Remember, that they are projecting out that they have this power. So that is what they assume they can do. "I have the power and I can get my own direction. Nobody needs to help me." 

On the other side, The key to power is doing everything individually. It is Mars. You know, I try very hard to get you to let go of your moralistic judgments about this and that. Mars in its immaturity gets a very bad reputation. In this particular line that immaturity is actually a value because the immaturity says, “I do not need anybody else. I do have the power. I can do it myself. I know where I will go.” It does not mean that they do. It still means that they will run into all the problems that second lines runs into, which is being found out. Big talk about your direction but you do not get there. By the way, if I get someone who comes to me for a reading and they have the detriment in that line, I tell them, “Be your own expert, no matter what happens." That is their nature. None of this is about seeing any of those aspects as being less, or missing, or wrong. It is exactly what the genetic information within them demands in that sense.

Line 3 ⌇ Service

When you get to the third line, you get to ‘Service’. By the way, people who have the 14th gate always have a great deal of power within them and they are often very successful materially in their process, because that power does convert. When they find the right direction they can always turn that energy into currency. They can always turn that energy into what looks after them. When you come to the 3rd line, you come to the process of trial and error in life. The whole thing for the 14 is to recognize, that the only way for them to get through the whole process ultimately is to find some way to exteriorize  that energy as service. ‘Service’. The utilization of talent and wealth for the highest good. This channel leads to the 8/1 which is the Creative Role Model. Individuality is never about being best. It is about being different. The wealth and talent of any individual lies in the glorification of their own individuality and their identification with their individuality, so that they can be different. Earth exalted, selfless contribution to society. That sounds very nice. It does not mean that it is going to work. It does not mean that they will be rewarded, because they will make mistakes. "I will give my energy to the anarchist movement." That service to any kind of higher principle - by the way, those are relative terms - is going to be filled with trial and error, and these people will offer their energy to different drivers until they have the experience to recognize which driver can really be good for them. 

Neptune in detriment, Greed and the self-destruction of moral fiber. This line is deeply misunderstood. The greed of this line is what you see at the very top, The accumulation and retention of power. If you are holding all this power inside of you and you do not find a way to release it, it will make you ill. It is the greed of saying “I am not going to provide you with that energy.” It is like driving up to a gas station with your car and the car is empty; you push it in and the gas station attendant looks at you and says, “No. I want to keep this gasoline because my car can run out of gasoline. You better push your car some place else.”  In holding back all of that, the moral fiber is in the sense of how society will react to that kind of energy by condemning it. If somebody has this line, it does not mean that it is a negative. It means, that is the way in which they are going to come to grips with this process of trial and error. 

What these people end up being very good at late in life - because remember, everything about the 14th hexagram is dependent on wisdom which comes later - is that they are the ones who know that there will always be the possibility for a perfect place to put their energy. It is deep inside. It does not get to manifest until the resonance in the 6th line. In reality, there is this touch of it underneath where they say,  "Aha, I am actually holding on to all of this money so that I can give it away to a really good cause, but I have not found the cause yet. If I do find it, I will give it all away.” Bill Gates, he said: “I am too young to give away my money, and I do not know what to give it to.”  Holding on with the potential that it can be of service.

Line 4 ⌇ Security

The 14th gate may not be aware. The nature of fuel conditions the direction. Think about is as the difference between a vegetarian and a carnivore. A vegetarian 14 or a carnivore 14, they will push you in different directions because you have to shop in different places to fulfill that energy. It may not be aware, but it will change the direction just out of the very nature of the energy. When you come to the 4th line, and you come to the first possibility to be able to go across the channel to recognize that one has to deal with the other side, that there is a driver. The first thing that this is all about is the skill of being able to fix your power and show it on the outside. The fourth line is always about being one-directional, being focused, being fixed. It is taking an aspect out of the foundation of its nature and it is fixing it. The concentration on establishing a strong foundation.  Moon exalted, Protection from assault.  These are people that just project out their power in a very fixed way. It is very difficult to take these people away from that. This is their thing. Mars in detriment,  Overconfidence in meeting the challenge of competition that may threaten the very basis of security.  When you are so fixed in your power one-way. Somebody that always wants to hit you in the face, and if you know that they are fixed that way  you can kick them between the legs. They are not ready for that. You can have a lot of power focused in one direction but you can be enormously weak all over the place. It is very important to understand that about the limitation of security. 

The key to power lies in developing skills to ensure a strong foundation. The skills lie in the focusing of that energy. These people need to have a very fixed direction in life. It is very important for them to see that their energy is being put in one thing and it is moving along and they move through that path, and then they can develop the skill for using that energy. On the other side, Without the proper skills the inability to guarantee security. If one does not really know how to deal with that energy, if they cannot find a way of fixing that energy, they can be easily manipulated by other people. Their energy gets easily pulled away. Remember, that the fourth line is the beginning of this transpersonal process. Because of that it runs into difficulties due to its fixedness. It still does not have the capacity to be embraced by the other side. That comes with the fifth line. When I do a reading for somebody who has this line, I always tell them the same thing, "Get a job that you really love, and do it and fix your energy on it."

Line 5 ⌇ Arrogance

The first line is about the nature of the hexagram and the fifth line is how the world wants it to be. The fifth line is in resonance to the second line. We saw that the second line projects out that power but it does not necessarily have it. By the way, the 2.2 on the other side in the detriment can be ‘Genius as madness’. The inability to recognize one’s own nature projecting outwards can lead to very bizarre and dangerous paths. In the fifth line you come to a field that is being projected upon. That is why the line is called ‘Arrogance’. The everpresent risk inherent in positions of power. It does not mean that you are in a position of power. It means that everybody assumes that you are in a position of power. When you meet a 14.5, you assume that they are powerful. This is how you project onto their energy. They may or may not be powerful.

Sun exalted, Innate dignity. The only protection for an individual who is projected upon as being powerful is that they better mind their p’s and q’s, or other people will gang up on them and check out that power to find out how long it takes to nail them to the cross.  Venus in detriment, A dissatisfaction with the gifts of others that creates feelings of superiority. You get projected on that you have the power to provide the energy for direction; but people will provide the link, this is a transpersonal process, the 14 with the 2 and the 2 becomes the driver. The 14 is sitting there saying. “I am giving this one all this fuel and this is where they take me? I don’t think that they are good drivers. I don’t think they know where they are going." Out of that comes the sense of, “They are not very important. They are not very good at what they are doing. They are limited in their capacity." This is the other side. The fifth is always being projected on. The world sees power as arrogance.

Line 6 ⌇ Humility

When you get to the 6th line you get to the end of a process, so you go beyond the nature of the hexagram itself. We saw that whenever we were looking at the 6th line of any gate that it is pointed towards the first line of the next gate, which is the 34.1 in that case. They are deeply related to each other. There is such a mystery in following the movement of the wheel to understand what is really going on inside of us. The 34 is about keeping us alive. Here in the 6th line you have ‘Humility.’ That is where you go from the projection of arrogance. The 14.5 that it clear about the nature of its energy and has a lousy driver, they have every right in the world to think that this driver doesn’t know where they are going. That is not arrogance. That is the 14.5 refusing to be the victim of the 3.5, the theme of which was ‘Victimization.’ The 14.5 says, "I am not going to be your victim. If you want all my power, you are seducing me so you better take me to the right place." 

When you get to the 6th line, all that stuff is over. Here you have the humility that recognizes very clearly that it has power. Right after that it says, “So what!” The fulfillment of that power can never be that person’s own. Remember about the nature of the Knowing circuit - in order for it to be fulfilled, it is not possible for one human being to carry within them that activation. It is not possible. Our knowing process and our awareness processes are deeply connected to our interrelationship with each other. The recognition takes two sides: the spiritual side is, “It is in the hands of the gods. It is god’s will. This energy was given to me.” The other side literally is the same. It is just stripped off its mystical, faith oriented aspect. It is just the same, “I am lucky.” The existential good luck of being in the right place at the right time. 

‘Humility.’ Wealth and power at its most exalted. Sun exalted,  The enlightened recognition that material success is God’s will.  Earth in detriment, All manifestations of this position are essentially positive. The Earth represents the existentialist recognition that material success was unavoidable - you could not avoid being given this power, you got it with birth – and the humility engendered by such serendipity. Just because they recognize that they have been given all that power, there is nothing that says that they will do anything with it. It does not mean that they will find a driver. Think about the 59.6, the ‘One Night Stand.’  The 14.6 is saying, "Yes, I will accept a driver but it better be a very special one, because I just do not want to go around the block. I want to see the whole thing. I will accept you as a driver if,  in the end, I can be clear about what it is that I know through my connection to you.” 

After all, this is all about Knowing. Be clear about 6th lines. This 6th line has enormous power in it but they rarely commit their energy to anything. It is not just about going across the channel and finding the driver. It is about where the driver will take them. It is not about having the opportunity to fill the car up with fuel and drive off because the driver can turn the key and move along the road. It is where are we going on this road. And where every individual goes to is Silence. This is path of all individuality. To the silence of coming to the point where what is knowable, is known. The 14.6 wants to know that the direction it takes through that relationship goes where it needs to go in order for it to know its own nature and the value of its movement through space. But all 6th lines stand back and say, "Yes, but I wait. This is God’s will.” This is the existential reality. This is not about being selective. This is not about looking for drivers. This is about it happening and the good fortune that one can see in that, finally there is this possibility.

The resources in the HDKB were pulled from several places, including The Definitive Book of Human Design by Lynda Bunnel, The Book of Destinies by Chetan Parkyn/Carola Eastwood, and various other source material recordings and PDF transcripts of Ra's lectures. If you find value in this content we suggest supporting the original creators.