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Gate Overview
I'Ching Hexagram
䷰ Revolution
Solar Plexus Center
Channel 19-49
Ideally the transformation of forms based on the highest principles and not simply for power.
Fear of Nature

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Gate Summary

A wave that either accepts or rejects principles based on the needs of the tribe. Nervousness about rejection, unpredictability and consequences.

The principles of acceptance and rejection, marriage and divorce, and ultimately revolution, are the direct result of living with Tribal hierarchies influenced by the emotional wave. Because Gate 49 places you at the top of one of these hierarchies, you feel a need to be obeyed. This translates into you exerting the power to accept or reject a person, or their request for access to your resources, or their appeal to initiate a revolution on their own or someone else's behalf. Your sensitivity or insensitivity towards other people (and animals), and their specific needs, is based on a resonance with your own principles. In other words, the people you accept into your circle are those willing to stand by you and support your principles; the rest you will be inclined to reject. Yours is a social agenda for change and reformation. It is particularly focused on food and food distribution; people who have enough to eat don't need to go to war. Revolution is either avoided by filling needs, or entered into as a necessary evil and last resort. You might be the one whose acceptance or rejection influences which road is taken to satisfy the needy party. What makes you nervous are the fear of rejection and the consequences of unpredictability.


This hexagram is called Revolution, and we step into the emotional system. Remember, that every single gate out of the emotional system resonates to the nature of that wave. The channel 19/49, the channel of Synthesis, is a design of Sensitivity; this is a tribal, mystical channel. It is about the nature of resources in the tribe, and it is about touch. The 49th hexagram is the gate of principles. This gate establishes the principles of resources. Who gets what and what do they get. This is the nature of the 49th gate. It establishes what has to be obeyed. The 49th gate is always looking for obedience. That is its nature. It is a gate of principles and its potential is the awareness of what is needed, or not. Please understand, that that is not an awareness. What is needed or not as a principle operates in the wave. When you are at the low end of the wave you do not need it so much, or maybe you do. Or at the high end of the wave, you need something or you don’t. This is conditioned by the nature of the wave. 

All of our revolutions, all of our principles have been conditioned ignorantly by the nature of this wave. The awareness potential is food discrimination. This is all about dictating from the 49th position, and establishing the principles about what food should be available, and when the food should be available, and how to get the food. All of this is about organizing the resources for the tribe, so the 49th gate is an emotional gate and as such in its wave it determines what kind of resources do go where. The access to food is not guaranteed because it is a long way to the Throat. Revolutions are promises. Principles are often nothing more than empty bags, usually with money inside that has been removed. This is the gate of the Sacrificer and the Sacrificed. This is the butcher’s gate.

Line Descriptions

Line 1 ⌇ The Law of Necessity

This is the foundation. This is the introspection. This is the root of all revolution. The nature of revolution is that it must be based on the law of necessity. Revolution has no support unless it is perceived as necessary. Jupiter exalted, The understanding and application of this law to maximize expansion of support and thereby ensure viability. The awareness that the potential of a principle is based on it being accepted as viable.  After all, this is tribal. The 49 is always looking for support and the first thing that it recognizes is: there is no revolution unless it has that support. The 49 will only get that support if what it is offering is viable. It has to be of value. It is not just a revolution for the sake of revolution. There must be a basic necessity at work. 

Sun in detriment. The misuse of influence, to insist that necessity can be created out of action. The ‘helter skelter’ syndrome. To commit acts of disorder as proof that disorder exists. This is the helter-skelter syndrome which is based on Charles Manson, this mad man from America. He decided to kill people and tried to make it look like it was black people who were doing the killing, in the hope that this would start a race war. If you don’t have a race war and you think that there should be a race war, then you create it and make it look like there is one in order to get everybody on the ban wagon. This is helter-skelter. "O.k., it is not around. Let’s do it and then they think that it is around and then we will get our revolution." This is practiced a lot by fascists or communists, by all kinds of people, in the early days of their whole process to try to attract people. This detriment in the Book of Letters, Oversensitivity to rejection that can turn a principle into a crusade.  "You reject me. I will make sure that I will get the support and I’ll show you how I get that support. You don’t think that there is a race war going on. I will show you," and then they go out and kill some people to let everybody know. 

Revolution is based on the law of necessity. The purity of revolution is based on a true necessity. The perversion of revolution is when the necessity is created as an illusion in order to establish a framework for revolution to take place. These are the two sides of the foundation. Everything about the 49th gate is about whether principles are going to be accepted or rejected. That is the nature of its wave.

Line 2 ⌇ The Last Resort

When we come to the second line, we come to the line of projection. It is called ‘The last Resort.’ The nature of this: If you look above the Rave I Ching it says, Ideally the transformation of forms is based on the highest principles and not simply for power.  This is a power gate. It always has power because it is establishing the principles, which it does emotionally. That means that it can blind you. So many decent people were blinded by horrendous principles because of their emotional power. Here we have the Earth exalted. The determination to exhaust every possible peaceful avenue for change and then, when satisfied that no other course is possible, to plan in detail before revolution is attempted. These are the people that are always planning to reject you or planning to accept you, depending on where they are in the nature of their wave. 

The potential to explore every possibility before rejecting. In the moment of rejection, you have to understand that rejection leads to revolution and the establishment of a new principle. So what happens to these people is that they are the ones who get more and more impatient. They keep waiting for something to come along that is going to match their principles. When they run out of patience they start planning for their revolution, whatever that revolution will be. It can be a household revolution. It does not have to be one of these grand revolutions. But it is a revolution in terms of establishing a new principle. You have somebody in your life and you keep on saying to them, "Squeeze the toothpaste at the bottom," and that principle keeps being rejected by them and you keep on telling them, hoping that they will eventually do what you told them. If they don’t, you explode and you project all of that out to them and say, "This is it. Finished. You are rejected." 

When we get to the other side of this, we get to Pluto in detriment. The overwhelming revolutionary urge that is impatient with accommodation and negotiation. The tendency here is the coup d’etat that has little general support. You walk in and say, "I have a new principle today." Everybody looks at you like you are crazy. You walk back home and say, "Alright. New principle today: from now on, nobody is allowed to use the refrigerator after 9 o’clock p.m." If you don’t have the support of others, you will  have to back that up by putting a lock on the door with a timer. Otherwise you will have a problem. This is the nature of the Last Resort which can always lead to this point where, based on the nature of the wave, either the high end where you feel that you can advance — second line wave — or the low end where you feel that you have to withdraw. But there is this point where in the withdrawal you are looking and seeing, "Alright, I am waiting. They still don’t follow my principle," and then the wave goes to the advance and then, boom! In you go and establish your principle. This is the nature of the coup d’etat as well, except that it is much more forceful. 

There is a lot of suffering associated with this gate because this is a gate of very powerful rejection. If you are rejected within the tribe, you have nowhere to go. You have no shelter, no home, no place to live and nothing to eat. Your children will have no friends. They will not have an education. This gate decides whether you should even be allowed to live or not. It is revolution. Revolution is a bloody business because it is emotional. If you do not want an unnecessary revolution, make sure that everybody has enough to eat and make sure that everybody has a partner. That is what this is all about. It is about resources. If there is not enough to eat and if there is not enough selection of partners, then you have problems. If you ever want to calm down a revolutionary, give them a good dinner. It immediately calms them down. It is very good for them, and let them be revolutionaries in their own home.

Line 3 ⌇ Popular Discontent

When you get to the third line and you get to ‘Popular discontent,’ and we have the theme of irresponsibility. Here we have the wave of Allegiance/Rejection, bonds made and broken. So you know what kind of revolutions these will be. They are on/off revolutions. You are part of the hip hop revolution and then immediately you jump over to the bebop revolution, and then you go back to the hip hop. Neptune exalted, The ability to destroy antiquated forms once the restrictions have been removed. The moment that these people are emotionally uncomfortable with the lack of a resource they are ready to get on the revolutionary ban wagon. They will just jump right in there. Remember, there is a lot of fertility in that. They can bring a lot of people along with them. "Why isn’t there a zucchini in the shopping market anymore?"  

Pluto in detriment, With general support, a savageness in eliminating the old order that may permanently scar the new. This is rooted in the 6.3, the breaking of Allegiances, and in the 59.3 which is Promiscuity. It can be very painful for people. After all, this is tribal and requires support. You bring somebody into a revolution and then you totally turn your back to it and to them, after you have brought them in. You are the one that can be very changeable in the nature of the principle. In the Book of Letters you have, The potential in sensitivity to reject failed principles or relationships.  This 49.3 will always react that way. "This does not work. I do not want to have anything to do with this revolution. I do not want to have anything to do with the Marxist revolution because I want to have my Mercedes." On the other side, An insensitivity in rejection and rejecting.  This is what leaves the scars. By the way, it can be brutal. If you get left out in a revolution, you are the one who has no access to the resources. So it can definitely leave scars in others. In order for revolution to be of value it has to be viable, and it can’t be simply for the power.

Line 4 ⌇ Platform

When you get to this externalization, here it is no longer a process in which the revolutionary potential will have its difficulties in getting out - the first three lines are always about that. It is a process for them to develop a recognition of the intrinsic value of their value. By the time you get to the 4th line, this outwards movement is already established. The 4th line as externalization is fixed and one-trackedness. This is a one-track agenda. We have already seen this when we looked at the 11.4, the way in which the Teacher works, and the 17.4, the way in which the ‘Personnel manager’ works. When you looking here at ‘Platform,’ what you are looking at is a narrow agenda, whatever it happens to be. 

Jupiter exalted, A political and social agenda, embodied in guarantees to human rights that ensures a just and valued replacement of the old order.  What happens to these people is that their concerns are legitimate, but their focus is limited. That can be of enormous value, i.e. people who’s only concern is the welfare of animals. That is their platform. They see somebody with a fur coat and go bananas. If they think about cattle being locked up in these horrible boxes and being stuffed with food and hormones, they go crazy. They have a single agenda which can be wonderful, or a pain in the neck. These are people that are always banging at you with their single platform. 

A potential sensitivity to the needs of society. Please remember: that need is not a general need of society. It is a very specific need. These people, when they are at home - we are not talking about the world, we are talking about the tribe and the household - they have their special agenda. It is very fixed what resource they think is necessary. "I don’t care if you want to have beds. I need a car." They are fixed on their specific agenda and it does not matter to them. They know that the car is of value because will allow them to make money. They will have their own way of seeing why that principle is necessary. They are not very clear about what else is going on around and what the other needs are. They are easily rejected. Some of them are considered to be nuts. 

Mars in detriment, Promises, promises, promises and only to guarantee support with little possibility of implementation.  If you would only follow this principle that if everybody held their nose in the morning and drank their yarn, everybody would feel better. There are people who think that is great, but the reality is that to promise that to others does not necessarily mean that that revolution is going to be implemented. Let’s hope not.

Line 5 ⌇ Organization

We come to the universalization of the revolutionary process, of this principle process. ‘Organization.’ Moon exalted, Practical provisions  for the needs of others in revolutionary times (if the times are not revolutionary, forget it) which ensures support and continued understanding.  Here in the Book of Letters, A potential sensitivity to the practical needs of others.  That is operating in a wave. So when you are at the low end of the wave - that potential sensitivity for the practical needs, you recognize it but you have no need to get involved in that because everything about the wave is about Selflessness and Selfishness. The moment that the wave is in the selfish part, you realize the needs and problems of society. This is my line, I know it so well - you see that society needs some practical provisions but  tough, I don’t feel like it, I have to look after myself. I am selfish in that wave. For me it was even more confusing because my wave is conditioned by other people due to my undefined emotional system, and it is my only theme. On the other side is selflessness: I have my own problems, but let me give you those principles in order that you can have practical provisions in revolutionary times. In other words, understand how that operates in its wave. One side of that line is always operating in that wave. 

Mars in detriment. A concentration on the organization of power to clearly define authority, often at the expense of higher principles. This is rooted in the Selflessness/Selfishness wave. The moment that you are in charge of which resources will be distributed, if you are selfish you will take advantage of that power. This can be heavy on people. After all, this is about seduction and sacrifice. In the white Book, A rejection of higher principles in seeking to organize others.  When that is selfless, that is o.k. There are times when higher principles will have to be sacrificed in order for revolution to take place. History is full of deals that are made with the devil in order to get to the end that will be justified. Often higher principles are sacrificed but they could never be sacrificed in the selfish end of that wave, because then you have power trippers. Then you have people that will bring about the sacrifice. This whole gate is about the images of Christ/Anti-Christ, the Sacrificer, the Sacrificed, the Seducer and the Seduced. It is all rooted in here and this is a key for the nature of revolution. 

Revolution is operating in a wave where it is selfish and selfless. It is very easy to see Marxism as being selfless and Communism as being selfish. The moment that you see it in practice you can see how the wave operates, given the nature of what human beings are. As long as the emotional system is unaware, no revolution is trustworthy due to this lack of awareness. Every single step that we take is a step we have to logically analyze, whether it really is healthy for the well-being of the other. Nothing of the emotional system is fundamentally healthy. We have to be deeply concerned about the nature of any kind revolution, any kind of emotional principle that is established for us, because they are not rooted in awareness. Collective logic is the only thing that can guarantee human rights, not emotional principles. They usually cry out because people don’t have enough to eat. Out of that not having enough to eat, not having enough territory and not having the protection of their language and their culture, out of that comes an enormous abuse of other human beings.  What is so important about the emotional system, what is so important about the nature of revolution is that you take away all of its power when people have enough to eat. My joke about Mc Donald’s is not such a joke. Countries who can afford to have that kind of lifestyle on a homogenous planet don’t have any interest in warfare. Their is food being made available. The general wealth is increasing in terms of the average human being having enough calories in their bodies every day. You have 10 million children born a week hungry. Those children are going to be revolutionaries. If you do not feed them, they are going to kill you. Please understand that. That is the law of revolution. All of the heat and violence of this is eliminated when there is tribal integrity, which means that your language, your home, your food and your family is secure. But most of all that there is enough to eat. That is the most practical of all provisions. Food.

Line 6 ⌇ Attraction

When you get to the line of transition, remember, the nature of the 6.6 was not interested in the intimacy but in the world the children will live in, if it was going to have children at all. The 49th hexagram is part of our tribal process and it establishes our sexuality and the arrangements that will take place in the marriage itself. It establishes what the community is like and what the resources of the community are going to be. It establishes the principles for that. When you get to the 49.6. - the 49.6, if engaged, is quite remarkable. It is called ‘Attraction’ and it can be a very attractive force. But like the mystery of the ‘One Night Stand,’ it may not get involved in any principle at all because it is deeply concerned about what the revolution will bring. Not what the intimacy will bring, not what the world is going to be, not what the revolution is but what the revolution will bring. These are some of the few forces that you find in the 49 that will laugh at revolutions and say, “They are all the same. They start off good and they end up bloody.” 

The power of revolution in action to expand its support. Neptune exalted, An innate impressionability that transforms the fence sitter into the committed. The sensitivity and potential to embrace and transform others. When they are sympathetic to a revolutionary course because they can see that the revolution will bring the principle that they want, they have enormous power of pulling people over to that revolution and bringing them in. Saturn in detriment. Stubborn, and often fatal, rejectionism. These people will say, "No, I am interested in change but your revolution is not going to bring what I think is necessary." They often are killed for that. Oversensitivity that leads to rejection of principles and others as a rule. As a rule means that these are not really revolutionaries. They are not involved in the revolution. They look at what are the principles that can be established after the revolution. This is their great concern. The moment that they have that sense, they can be very powerful. 

But remember the wave. This is very different from 6th lines that are not directly emotional. Here you always have to deal with that. When you look at any of your lines in relationship to this, please understand what principle is important for you. You have to see how you respond to any given principle in time through your wave. If there is a principle that you can tolerate at the low end and enjoy at the high end, it is good for you. If you can only abide a principle at the high end and detest it at the low end, it cannot be correct for you. In other words, the wave has to teach you, by going through your spectrum, what principle is really correct for you. Which means that revolution is not something that you can spontaneously jump to - that is the Spleen - you have to wait and go through the process. By the way, what is really interesting here is that, if you look here that in the 6th line the exalted is  Neptune, and its resonance in the third line, the exalted is Neptune. Neptune is veiled and the real truth in the 6th line, which in the emotional system is about what is going to awaken first to emotional awareness, is that the spirituality that lies in the 6th line is to recognize, what revolution to be sympathetic with. But now these are deeply veiled processes in which we do not clearly see what is going on. The Neptunes in resonance with each other in the 3 and 6.

The resources in the HDKB were pulled from several places, including The Definitive Book of Human Design by Lynda Bunnel, The Book of Destinies by Chetan Parkyn/Carola Eastwood, and various other source material recordings and PDF transcripts of Ra's lectures. If you find value in this content we suggest supporting the original creators.