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Discover your inner mechanics

Our ideal environment according to our bodygraph shows us the place our energy feels most comfortable and cozy. With environment, we find a way to nourish ourselves outside in. And when we're in our correct environment, we have a healthier aura. There is less resistance which leads to a more easeful and ultimately longer life. As with all of the Variables, there can be a lot of abstract interpretation, therefore it’s important to experiment and find the meaning that resonates with you, what the environment means uniquely to you and how to embrace elements of it in your life.

This may not really come into play until after our first Saturn Return. For kids and folks pre-return it’s great to incorporate elements of their correct environment but it should not be the focus as they are still developing their awareness. If it comes between honoring your Environment as the parent and honoring a young childs, honor yours. But this does not mean we can’t take this wisdom and lean in in the ways that work now for support. For instance if you have a Mountains environment kiddo and a Caves environment kiddo in a two level home, when possible, put the Mountains kid upstairs and give the Caves kid the room with only one door.


You thrive in a consistent environment. It’s important for you to have consistency in your physical — and emotional/relational/mental — environments. It's good for you to find “go to” places you love that you can visit and revisit. You will feel energized in your correct space. Your ideal environment actually calls out action. You are also here to be observed when you're in your correct space. When travelling or visiting a new place it can be supportive to make sure you make time to "nest" and get settled in (e.g. plan a trip with minimal hotel changes and give yourself an extra day for each new place you visit).


You thrive when you have variety in your environment. You are more suited to a changing, malleable environment, one that inspires you and feels creative. It's important for you to listen to your intuition about what feels right for you, when it's time to move, where to, or when even just a rearranging of the furniture will serve you. Think about how you want to feel in your environment and seek that out. You are here to observe and need to feel relaxed in your environment in order to be observant. Absorbing different environments and cultures really serves you as well.