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Head Center Center [Open]

Theme: inspiration, anxiety, mental pressure

Description: Those with an undefined Head Center have no consistent way of deliberating mental information. If normal inspiration becomes an amplified pressure to think about things that don't matter, they can get lost in their own mental monologue. Meaningless not-self thoughts and questions will ultimately steer them away from correct decision-making processes. As anxiety increases, they may seek to assuage it by looking for someone or something inspiring to focus on. Undefined Head Centers tend to either avoid intellectual pursuits, or throw themselves into one mystery after another. The... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Ajna Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: mental awareness, thinking, conceptualization

Description: If the Ajna Center is undefined in a chart, the Head Center will also be undefined. Gate activations in either undefined center provide themes for the ways our mental activity connects us to people with whom we interact.Open Head and Ajna centers can have an open and flexible mind. This is a sign of the mental intelligence indicative of thinkers or intellectuals like Freud, Jung, Einstein or Madame Curie. Once a person's mind is set free from conditioning, it is open to a full range of intellectual stimulation and creativity. Innate and learned wisdom about the intricate workin... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Throat Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: communication, action, expression, metabolism

Description: The not-self theme of the undefined Throat Center is "Trying to attract attention." People with undefined Throat Centers are afraid they won't be noticed, so their not-self mind jumps at the chance to think up ways to attract attention. They can easily succumb to an amplified pressure to talk, to act, to make an impression, to interrupt or to be the life of the party. They don't realize that the open Throat naturally attracts attention, and if they wait, invitations to speak will come to them. In this way, they will receive the proper attention, at the most opportune time, with... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Identity (G) Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: sense of self, identity, love, direction in life

Description: People with undefined G Centers have no fixed identity. This is not a handicap, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. What is difficult for them to comprehend is living without knowing who they are, or having a consistent and reliable sense of identity. No one truly knows the parameters of their open personality — and neither do they! They blend in or adapt to the people they interact with, and they can fit in anywhere or nowhere. One way or the other, they are always subject to the auric influences (definition) of the people in their environment. They are here to ... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Will (Heart) Center Center [Open]

Theme: ego, willpower, courage, willfulness, heart

Description: People with undefined Heart Centers are not designed to be willful and competitive, yet they often feel driven by a need to find the courage to exercise their will. "Why can't I get what they have?" they ask. "Why can't I be as fast or as good as they are? I should be able to compete with them." While they want to exercise willpower, and to make and keep promises, they do not understand that they have no consistent energy to support either one.We live in a world that sends a constant stream of messages that we should/could/can be better, prettier, richer, faster, and more succe... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Solar Plexus Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: emotions, pleasure, feelings, sexiness

Description: The undefined Solar Plexus Center absorbs and amplifies the emotions present in its environment. This center carries an especially deep conditioning potential, and can be particularly vulnerable to the needs, moods, and feelings of other people. It is critical for the health and well-being of the emotionally undefined to know when the emotions they are feeling and expressing are not entirely theirs, and that they can release them and protect themselves by not identifying with them. Otherwise, they bounce up and down on the emotional waves of others, knowing their emotions are o... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Sacral Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: life force, generative and creative energy, sexuality

Description: The undefined Sacral Center is always vulnerable to the intense conditioning field (or buzz) created by the majority of human beings on the planet with defined Sacrals. It is extremely sensitive to the energy levels in people and places, and is capable of magnifying those energies. Those with undefined Sacral's are subject to elevated levels of energy pumping through bodies that are not equipped to handle it. They often run on this 'borrowed' energy, and over-extend themselves, leading to breakdown and exhaustion. Not designed to live in response, they can never rely on their o... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Spleen Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: immune system, intuition, instinct, taste, fear for survival

Description: Seven primal fears reside in the Splenic Center, and when the center is undefined, these fears are easily magnified. Those with undefined Spleens need to face each of their fears, one by one, in order to become fearless in a healthy way. This is how they develop awareness, and honor and learn from their fear rather than suppress it or pretend it's not there. Confronting and handling the fear makes them stronger and less frightened each time the fear returns. The result is a sense of well-being. If they are unable to do this, however, the conditioned not-self may become overwhel... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Root Center Center [Undefined]

Theme: stress, pressure, fuel for life, depression

Description: The undefined Root Center absorbs stress from its environment. People with an undefined Root are subject to pressures from those with a defined Root. Because the amplified pressure is uncomfortable, they are always trying to get rid of it, yet as soon as they do another pressure takes its place. They rush around and accomplish the work of three people, trying to resolve pressure that cannot be resolved. It's an endless, unsustainable cycle that eventually results in burn out.Undefined Roots take in and amplify the adrenalized Root Center stress in the world, but are not equippe... read more

Keynotes: These will be specific to the chart being viewed.

Sun symbolPersonality Sun — Gate 56.4 ♋︎

Sign: Cancer ♋︎ 29°17'45"

I'Ching: ䷷ The Wanderer

Planet theme: Life Force — How we express our 'light' in the world.

Gate: 56 — Gate 56

Gate theme: Stability through movement. Perpetuation of continuity through the linking of short term activity.

Gate drive: I believe or not. The stimulating storyteller.

Line: 4 — Expediency

Line description:
Now, we come to the fourth line in the upper trigram. The 11.4 is called ‘The Teacher,’ and it is an exalted line. Our evolutionary process was changed by a mutation that took place in the axis of the 11.4 and the 12.4. The 12.4 is ‘The Prophet,’ the arousing of the stagnant. It opened up the communicating capability in our Throat. The opposition to that is the 11.4, ‘The teacher.’ This line is broken up into three possibilities: the teacher, the guru and the sage. All of the possibilities for being able to communicate philosophical and conceptual ideas. Here, when ... read more

Earth symbolPersonality Earth — Gate 60.4 ♑︎

Sign: Capricorn ♑︎ 29°17'45"

I'Ching: ䷻ Limitation

Planet theme: Grounding and Balance — We find conscious balance when we are able to integrate the Personality correctly in our life.

Gate: 60 — Gate 60

Gate theme: The acceptance of limitation is the first step in transcendence.

Gate drive: Pressure to mutate, to transcend limitation

Line: 4 — Resourcefulness

Line description:
The fourth line and fifth lines in this hexagram have a very special advantage. We know that they are by their very nature transpersonal. They can go across the channel and recognize that there will always be that process at the other end. Built into the genetic recognition of the 60th hexagram is that the 3rd hexagram and its mutative capacity is always waiting on the other side. People who have the fourth and fifth lines of the 60th hexagram have a much deeper capacity of accepting temporary limitation and the constant recognition, the constant deep knowing within them, that ... read more


The Color and Tone of the Personality Sun/Earth indicate the Motivation variable.

North Node symbolPersonality North Node — Gate 17.6 ♈︎

Sign: Aries ♈︎ 09°10'38"

I'Ching: ䷐ Following

Planet theme: Future Direction and Environment — Not who you are, but instead frame what your Personality thinks about the world and itself.

Gate: 17 — Gate 17

Gate theme: The ancient law that those who wish to rule must know how to serve.

Gate drive: Fear of Challenge

Line: 6 — The Bodhisattva

Line description:
In the 18.6 we have ‘Buddhahood,’ the spoilt one. Here ‘The Bodhisattva’ is the spoilt one. If other people are not there waiting for their pronouncement they get very upset. They understand what is good for everybody and they expect everybody to be there. By the way, they just might. That is the other side of it. The bodhisattva is quite a role. The capacity is truly there but again, like all sixth lines which are transition lines, two things are always there in the transition: one is this sense of not giving what you are, not giving understanding because it is not wor... read more

South Node symbolPersonality South Node — Gate 18.6 ♎︎

Sign: Libra ♎︎ 09°10'38"

I'Ching: ䷑ Work on What Has Been Spoilt

Planet theme: Past Direction and Environment — How we perceive the world around us.

Gate: 18 — Gate 18

Gate theme: The vigilance and determination to uphold and defend basic and fundamental human rights.

Gate drive: Fear of Authority

Line: 6 — Buddhahood

Line description:
When you get to the sixth line, you get to the top of the house, you get to the roof. This line is called ‘Buddhahood.’  It says,  The perfected form. These people assume that everything is correct, whether it is or not.  Mars exalted, The Buddha state of the eternal child and the energy to find new horizons to avoid stasis. Everything is correct, everything is great, what else is going to happen in this life. Where are we going to? What is in the future for us? Moon in detriment, The mundane application of the above. The ability to tap public opinion and sha... read more


The Color and Tone of the Personality Nodes indicate the Perspective variable.

Moon symbolPersonality Moon — Gate 60.6 ♒︎

Sign: Aquarius ♒︎ 01°22'59"

I'Ching: ䷻ Limitation

Planet theme: Driving Force — Emotions.

Gate: 60 — Gate 60

Gate theme: The acceptance of limitation is the first step in transcendence.

Gate drive: Pressure to mutate, to transcend limitation

Line: 6 — Rigidity

Line description:
The sixth line is the line of transition, and here it is in a mutative gate and a mutative channel. So it represents a mutation that can be quite profound in the nature of what is possible in the mutative field. The line itself is called ‘Rigidity,’ and it has Uranus exalted. It says, The intuitive intellect to recognize when absolute rigidity is essential but with innovative applications to lessen its severity.  A fixed energy that is unusual in its capacity for restraint.  One of the things about the nature of the 6th line is that it is so clear to it that restr... read more

Mercury symbolPersonality Mercury — Gate 29.2 ♌︎

Sign: Leo ♌︎ 26°12'32"

I'Ching: ䷜ The Abysmal

Planet theme: Communication and Thinking — Gives you insight into what you need to communicate in this life.

Gate: 29 — Gate 29

Gate theme: The deep within the deep. Persistence despite difficulties has its inevitable rewards.

Gate drive: Commits to an experience completely for true discovery potential.

Line: 2 — Assessment

Line description:
The first line has the capacity for introspection and recognizes that it can say yes and make a commitment. We have seen that this commitment can lead to a continuing process of growth - after all, this is the Channel of Discovery, a Channel of succeeding where other people fail, or failing where other people succeed. This is one of those things to keep in mind about the nature of that commitment. When you come to the second line and you are coming to the projection, these people are projecting out that they are always ready to say yes. "Come and ask me. I am ready to say yes."... read more

Venus symbolPersonality Venus — Gate 33.5 ♌︎

Sign: Leo ♌︎ 12°10'13"

I'Ching: ䷠ Retreat

Planet theme: Values and Sociology — Values

Gate: 33 — Gate 33

Gate theme: Active withdrawal and the transformation of a weak position into a strength.

Gate drive: I remember or not. Sharing lessons of the past.

Line: 5 — Timing

Line description:
You know that the fifth line operates in a wave that we call ‘the seducer and the seduced.’ So it is all about seduction. It is one of the things to recognize about the nature of all fifth lines, they all are deeply related to the question of timing. This line personifies that in its name. This is the line of ‘Timing.’ The fifth line is always getting projected on. So in that sense they are getting projected on that they are the seducer. But because of the projection coming from the outside, it does not mean that they are ready to fulfill that projection at the time whe... read more

Mars symbolPersonality Mars — Gate 20.1 ♊︎

Sign: Gemini ♊︎ 00°29'58"

I'Ching: ䷓ Contemplation

Planet theme: Immaturity and Energy Dynamics — Opportunity for growth.

Gate: 20 — Gate 20

Gate theme: Recognition and awareness in the now which transforms understanding into right action.

Gate drive: I am now or not. Instantaneous clarity/action.

Line: 1 — Superficiality

Line description:
The first line gives you the foundation. It is called ‘Superficiality.’  Many people have problems with this first line.  A reliance on shallowness.  If you own a cat, it is easy to understand. The cat is sitting there in the now and is really looking disinterested in everything. It seems to be totally disinterested, but it is not. It is being very superficial on the surface. It looks very shallow at what it is doing. But all of its antennae are ready and alert for anything, at any moment. This is not about being in the now and walking around, trying to swall... read more

Jupiter symbolPersonality Jupiter — Gate 35.2 ♊︎

Sign: Gemini ♊︎ 12°27'31"

I'Ching: ䷢ Progress

Planet theme: Law and Protection — Defines our outer development, and relationship to the other and the whole.

Gate: 35 — Gate 35

Gate theme: By design, progress cannot exist in a vacuum and is dependent on interaction.

Gate drive: I experience/feel or not. Progress through experience.

Line: 2 — Creative Block

Line description:
When we come to the second line, we come to projection. We saw with the 16.2 that what is projected outwards is this ‘Cynicism.’ When you come over here to the abstract process, what it projects out is boredom. This is the great line of boredom. You have to recognize about the nature of this gate that what it represents is that progress cannot exist in a vacuum. So the vacuum is always there. That is, that change and that movement through the experiential way is dependent on getting access to the Solarplex wave. There is always this sense of vacuum the moment that the wave ... read more

Saturn symbolPersonality Saturn — Gate 22.3 ♓︎

Sign: Pisces ♓︎ 19°02'23"

I'Ching: ䷕ Grace

Planet theme: Discipline (The Judge) — Place in your life where living out of alignment can cause turmoil and problems.

Gate: 22 — Gate 22

Gate theme: A quality of behavior best suited in handling mundane and trivial situations

Gate drive: Fear of Silence

Line: 3 — The Enchanter

Line description:
The 22.3 is one of those attributes that people write and sing about. It is an emotional type that through the 12th gate gets written about in love stories and poetry and songs. The third line is about adaptation and  it is about bonds made and broken. It is about allegiance and rejection. This line is called ‘The Enchanter.’ This is the capacity of  Perfected Grace, or Openness. That perfected openness is simply a genetic gift and it is not something that is anything other than self-involved. It is individual. That openness is there and it is perfect, but it does... read more

Uranus symbolPersonality Uranus — Gate 8.3 ♉︎

Sign: Taurus ♉︎ 26°32'06"

I'Ching: ䷇ Holding Together

Planet theme: Unusualness, Chaos and Order — How you express your unusualness/originality.

Gate: 8 — Gate 8

Gate theme: The basic worth realized in contributing individual efforts to group goals.

Gate drive: I can make a contribution or not. Unique self expression.

Line: 3 — The Phoney

Line description:
‘The Phoney,’ third line. We get to the end of the lower trigram. Remember, that lower trigrams are only concerned about the nature of the gate itself. This is the line of John Paul II. You can enjoy my analysis of that. The acceptance of the style and not the substance of communal actions. Again, all third lines are lines of adaptation. They are basis of trial and error. They are based on this learning process. What is recognized in that learning process is that the individual cannot survive unless they find a way, a mode, a role, a mask, a style for being able to connect ... read more

Neptune symbolPersonality Neptune — Gate 25.2 ♓︎

Sign: Pisces ♓︎ 29°50'02"

I'Ching: ䷘ Innocence

Planet theme: Illusion and Spirituality — Where we lose the ability to see any limitations, potential for abuse.

Gate: 25 — Gate 25

Gate theme: The perfection of action through uncontrived and spontaneous nature.

Gate drive: Universal love, retaining innocence despite circumstances

Line: 2 — The Existentialist

Line description:
In these gates of Love, we will see that we have certain lines which are unusual in their performance or values. This second line is particularly so. It embodies the nature of what innocence really is. Innocence is only possible existentially. There is no other way to be innocent. Following what we have seen about collective love - we have seen that collective love is rooted in being oneself and selflessness, - motiveless-ness is rooted in the now. Only in the now is one free of guile. ‘The Existentialist.’ Devotion and dedication to the now. Like all lower trigrams, the mo... read more

Pluto symbolPersonality Pluto — Gate 60.5 ♒︎

Sign: Aquarius ♒︎ 00°54'34"

I'Ching: ䷻ Limitation

Planet theme: Truth and Transformation — Your truth, and where to find the light within the darkness.

Gate: 60 — Gate 60

Gate theme: The acceptance of limitation is the first step in transcendence.

Gate drive: Pressure to mutate, to transcend limitation

Line: 5 — Leadership

Line description:
Whenever we get to the fifth line, we get to how the hexagram is perceived by others. It is interesting to recognize that this individual limitation, this acceptance, is considered a leadership function by the totality. In other words, this leads to what we know in the 2/14, in the channel of being a Keeper of Keys, as the individual providing direction for the totality, and that capacity is in the recognition that within the 60 lies all of this old information. It is there. Because it has this equipment, it is projected on it that it can also naturally take them to the next st... read more

Chiron symbolPersonality Chiron — Gate 42.3 ♈︎

Sign: Aries ♈︎ 23°31'24"

I'Ching: ䷩ Increase

Planet theme: Wounded healer — exposing our deep pain, how we address that pain, and how our own healing powers have the ability to help others

Gate: 42 — Gate 42

Gate theme: The expansion of the resources which maximizes the development of full potential.

Gate drive: Closes a cycle and brings things to an end.

Line: 3 — Trial and Error

Line description:
Everything that we have been talking about in terms of third lines, here you get to see the archetype of what a third line is. After all, when you are dealing with the abstract you are dealing with the experiential way, you are dealing with the human process and the keynote of the third line is ‘Trial and Error.’ This is the term that we have been using - trial and error, bonds made and broken. In times of increase -you can substitute increase for growth, this is the maturing process; how we grow is through trial and error- mistakes are a natural part of the process. Mars e... read more

48 57 44 50 32 28 18 36 22 37 6 49 55 30 40 26 51 21 64 61 63 47 24 4 17 11 43 62 23 56 31 8 33 16 20 35 12 45 7 1 13 15 2 46 10 25 5 > 14 29 42 3 9 59 27 34 53 60 52 19 39 41 54 38 58 Personality [Mind] Color 1 Tone 5 Base 1 Color 4 Tone 6 Base 4 Rx Rx Rx SD